Blender Git Loki

Git Commits -> Revision 1f55e12

Revision 1f55e12 by Brecht Van Lommel (master)
June 9, 2021, 13:28 (GMT)
Tests: temporarily increase threshold for OpenImageDenoise test

Until all platforms have the same version, this helps the tests pass.

Commit Details:

Full Hash: 1f55e122062a6550effd61a35445cf5b4e9e84ea
Parent Commit: ea38955
Lines Changed: +5, -0

1 Modified Path:

/tests/python/ (+5, -0) (Diff)
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021