Blender Git Commit Log

Git Commits -> Revision 370ed60

Revision 370ed60 by Ankit Meel (master)
October 12, 2020, 13:15 (GMT)
File Browser/macOS: Don't treat .app as directory

While there are other bundles which show up as directories,
`.app` are the most common ones.

*Users should not be saving anything inside .app bundles, nor using
Blender to edit any of the files.
*This declutters the File Browser for say ~/Applications folder
or recursive search on a path with apps.
*Matches Finder's behavior of showing apps as files. (We don't have a
"right click > show package contents" button like Finder though)

This change shows `.app` files like incompatible files, or `.exe`s
on Windows.

Reviewed By: #platform_macos, brecht, mont29

Differential Revision:

Commit Details:

Full Hash: 370ed6025f45fae4125c0f9f59707235f027fe91
Parent Commit: c4c8d85
Lines Changed: +5, -1

1 Modified Path:

/source/blender/editors/space_file/filelist.c (+5, -1) (Diff)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021